Тип проекта: корпоративные сайты.
Founded in 1999, the Research and production association NPO ENERGY is one of the leading Russian companies offering a wide range of services, dealing with modernization, repair and delivery of computer numerical control (CNC) machines, electric and electronic systems, as well as equipment and production process automation.
Founded in 1999, the Research and production association NPO ENERGY is one of the leading Russian companies offering a wide range of services, dealing with modernization, repair and delivery of computer numerical control (CNC) machines, electric and electronic systems, as well as equipment and production process automation.
Project goal
Present NPO ENERGY services to foreign customers.
We provide NPO ENERGY following services:
- Content (text and graphics) translation and publication.
- Implementation of website templates, using i18n standarts.
Using our software product Cetera CMS, NPO ENERGY manages Russian and English website versions with single web-based interface.
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